Taste the Real World of Coffee

Coffee harvesting is a multi-step process that involves various techniques and methods to ensure the highest quality beans. Here's an overview of what it entails several things.


  • Selective Picking: Only the ripe cherries are picked by hand. This method is labor-intensive but results in higher quality beans.
  • Strip Picking: All cherries are stripped off the branch at once, regardless of ripeness. This can be done by hand or using mechanical harvesters and is more efficient but may result in a mix of ripe and unripe cherries.
  • Sorting: Cherries are sorted to remove any unripe or overripe ones. This can be done manually or with machines.
  • Pulping: The outer skin and pulp are removed from the cherries, exposing the beans. This can be done using wet or dry methods.


  • Beans are dried to reduce moisture content to around 10-12%. This can be done naturally by spreading beans out in the sun or using mechanical dryers.
  • Proper drying is crucial to prevent mold and preserve the quality of the beans.


  • Beans are sized & sorted to separate heavy from light beans. Defective beans are removed ensuring that only the finest quality coffee beans are exported.


  • The beans, now referred to as green coffee, are loaded onto ships in either jute or sisal bags loaded in shipping containers, or bulk-shipped inside plastic-lined containers.


  • The beans, now referred to as green coffee, are Roast to develop flavor, then grind to the desired consistency for brewing.

BREWING - Finally, it's time to brew the coffee & enjoy.

Taste the Real World of Coffee
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