De La Finca Coffee Importers

De La Finca Coffee Importers was established in 2016 by Nelson Amador, a founder and farmer of a fifth-generation coffee farm that imports certified fair trade and organic coffee to partners and roasters throughout the US. Nelson started the company with a goal to support his family and other small coffee producers in Honduras by following the tradition of older generations of his that started over 100 years ago.

One way De La Finca exceeds is by having direct trade with farmers. By doing this, coffee bean producers are paid fairly, and can continue to produce high quality coffee. De La Finca has also cultivated the opportunity to work hands on with communities by investing their time and energy in the development of long-term school projects and initiatives in creating ways communities can be more sustainable.

When Nelson came to the United States to learn English, he recognized that coffee was important to the culture, but he said that to receive coffee from a producer it had to "pass through 6-8 hands between farmers and consumers." Through De La Finca, Nelson was able to close the gap between farmers and consumers to make it easier to enjoy a great cup of coffee. Not only did he do this for ease of import, but also to put money back into the pockets of farmers who have worked so hard to maintain their family traditions. In addition to Honduras, De La Finca imports organic beans from Asia, Africa, North America, and South America.

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